People and mangrove――In search of sustainable coastal resource management

Ir. Andi Amriさん(Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Hasanuddin University)

□日時 7月14日(月)18時10分〜
□場所 東洋大学白山キャンパス 8305教室
 The coastal areas generally have a great diversity of ecosystems associated with a complex array of natural resources that provide both economic good and services. Due to the large-scale amenity values of coastal ecosystems and resources, coastal areas are densely populated. The scale of human activities has increased over time, so that the pressures of human activities on natural ecosystems and coastal resources are large and multifarious, with clear implication to the loss of various natural resources and destruction of coastal ecosystems. Mangroves are considered one of the most productive ecosystems in coastal areas because they are located at the transition between the marine and terrestrial environments, have high nutrient input to the system, and host a high diversity of marine and terrestrial species. Mangroves are also important as natural barriers and sediment and carbon reserves. Due to its tangible and intangible benefits, mangroves have been damaged and threatened in an alarming rate in tropical and subtropical nations. Human settlement, expansion of agricultural or salt-making lands, development of coastal industries, and expansion of coastal aquaculture, have caused the damage of mangrove forests and their ecosystems. This study addresses the ties between people and mangrove in order to search the sustainable coastal resource management by looking out various mangrove conservation and management initiatives, shrimp farming practices, coastal area development and local people livelihood in Pangasa Village, Sinjai District and Bonto Bahari village, Maros District of South Sulawesi, Indonesia. For comparative perspectives, this study also provides insights and knowledge with regard to ecotourism, on-site education, and the current condition of shrimp farming development in Thailand. The local people of Pangasa and Bonto Bahari have successfully extended the mangrove restoration and conserved the coastal environment by planting mangroves of Rhizophora sp and Avicennia sp with their own initiatives and governmental supports. By planting such kind of mangroves, the local people could restore mangroves and rehabilitate coastal environment as well as obtain land property rights. Long-term economic benefits of mangroves are invitable for driving the people to self-mobilized in maintaning the mangroves for survivable societies. The local experiences of mangrove plantation in Pangasa and Bonto Bahari could be applied in overcoming the global challenges of mangrove conservation and coastal resource management for the betterment of society and future earth.


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運営委員: 植野 弘子 長津 一史 山本 須美子
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